Spectrum Talks: Seasonal Beauty and Fashion

Here at Spectrum, we love to embrace all the seasons. Each one has its benefits. Wearing the same makeup and clothes day-in and day-out can get boring, so the changing of seasons is the perfect opportunity to switch up your clothing and makeup. Let’s take a look at what our Twitter gang have to say about seasonal beauty and fashion courtesy of our weekly Spectrum Talks.
Which season is your all time favourite?
You guys are loving the spring and autumn vibes, and we understand why. Summer can be too hot whilst winter way too cold. Spring and autumn bring the best of both worlds. They’re both great seasons for fashion too. It’s that time of year that you rummage about your wardrobe looking for that timeless staple trench coat. There’s nothing better than a Sunday morning walk with blue skies, trench coat and sunnies on, with a coffee in hand.
I think probably Autumn! It has the potential to be quite nice but also not usually too hot and great for layering! #SpectrumTalks
— Kelly Monaghan (@KellyEMonaghan) July 5, 2022
And what’s better than seeing all those beautiful daffodils bloom in spring?
Spring is my favourite, when you can open the windows, everything is starting to bloom, you can go out without a thick coat.... Love it
— Ruth K (@RuthKnall) July 5, 2022
How does your makeup tend to change during each season?
You all seem to be on the same page when it comes to seasonal makeup. Summer you’re thinking bright, light and bold, while in winter you’re lean towards darker and heavier makeup products. And we totally agree! Summer is the season to unleash all the colour when it comes to makeup. There's just something about the warm weather and sunny breeze that really has us wanting to experiment with a bold eyeshadow or new blush. Flushed cheeks and fluorescent lids are the way forward.
In summer I tend to use a lighter base and more vibrant colours ❤️
— makeupxeilidh (@eilidhionaaaa) July 5, 2022
Winter has us reaching out for those darker and warmer tones, especially when it comes to the lips. We also love an oxblood nail!
Spring summer I wear brighter colours & autumn winter, all about the browns & red lips 💗
— ℒ𝒆𝓪𝓱🕊 (@LeaBob_) July 5, 2022
Which season do you like best for fashion?
There was a bit of a mixed bag of answers to this question, but winter and autumn just about took the lead. Although the seasons of summer and spring have their moments for fashion, winter and autumn is when stylish gals really flourish. It’s the time of year to get creative with your layering, a perfect chance to create some cute and original looks. Another reason to love winter/autumn – no bad hair days! Just whack on a cute beanie for an easy fix.
Autumn/Winter. I love layering and boots are my holy grail clothing choice! #SpectrumTalks
— Kelly Monaghan (@KellyEMonaghan) July 5, 2022
Knee high boots, oversized scarf, cosy knit, you just can’t go wrong!
Winter definitely. Boots tights dresses coats scarfs my favs
— BRITNEY (@sarcasticIrish1) July 5, 2022
Do you switch up your skin care in the winter compared to the warmer months?
You all said that when it comes to winter, your skin needs that little bit more care and hydration than in the summer months. Due to many factors such dry air, central heating, and severe weather, skin tends to lose hydration and oil throughout the winter. That’s why you all agree that shifting to more hydrating products in the winter months is the way forward.
Yes, as I typically use thicker moisturisers and a lighter cleanser on the winter compared to the summer. My t-zone is less oily and my skin drier during the winter, so my summer products tend not to work the best for my skin in the winter
— Deanna Troi 🖖🏻💛 (@miniabbysciuto) July 5, 2022
That winter wind really does have some bad effects on our skin and lips too. Nothing that can’t be fixed with our hydrating new lip saviour, the pink grapefruit IT lip balm.
Definitely, I feel like the colder weather and wind really dries my skin out so I try and I incorporate more hydrating products. #SpectrumTalks
— Kelly Monaghan (@KellyEMonaghan) July 5, 2022
And finally, what’s your favourite summer beauty products right now?
You guys always have the best recommendations when it comes to beauty products and we love to hear them! You girls generally spoke about how you love to use more light and glowy makeup products in the summer which we totally agree with. It really gives off that ‘clean girl’ aesthetic that so many of us are after. We love our Glowful facial mists and pinch pots for a radiant summer look and are so glad you do too!
Pinch Pots and Glowful Mist! The perfect Summer accessories 🥰
— Kelly Monaghan (@KellyEMonaghan) July 5, 2022
And let’s not forget that all important SPF, keep safe in the sun ladies!
La Roche posay anthelios invisible fluid spf 50+ is a must.
— Ruth K (@RuthKnall) July 5, 2022
In need of a seasonal transition?
If you’re feeling inspired from our weekly Spectrum Talks, then we’ve got you covered. Browse our makeup range online - We particularly love our glossy balms and bronzers for that perfect summer look. Give them a try!