Spectrum Talks: Why is Self-Care Important?

Wondering why self-care is important? Well, at Spectrum, we’re big on wellbeing and we think looking after yourself both mentally and physically should always be a top priority. Self-care means something different to everyone though, doesn’t it?
We wanted to learn more about self-care and the different ways we unwind – so what better way than asking you babes! Our Spectrum Talk on Twitter covered all the bases, from relaxation tips to skincare routines. Here’s what we learned.
Self-Care Means Different Things to Different People
When you hear the words ‘self-care’ you probably think of something specific, like meditation, but the reality is that self-care can mean a lot of different things.
To me, self care is all about giving my body and mind what it needs. This isn't necessarily what it wants, but what it needs at that point in time. Sometimes this is simple as resting with Netflix, or meditation, sometimes this might be counselling or a support group
— Deanna Troi 🖖🏻👩🏻🎤 (@miniabbysciuto) September 15, 2020
We love the idea that self-care is about giving yourself what you need – whether that’s support from friends and family, time to be mindful, or even some trashy tv.
Self care to me is checking in with my mental state and taking time out everyday to be 'selfish' haha
— Jenna Menzies (@fayebrgr) September 15, 2020
Being ‘selfish’ sounds like a bad thing, but it’s not! You can look after your health and wellbeing with different types of self-care:
- Physical (sleep, healthy food, exercise)
- Emotional (kindness, stress management, forgiveness)
- Social (communication, socialising, support)
- Spiritual (meditation, yoga, journaling)
Your Top Self-Care Ideas
So, what’s your ultimate self-care routine?
Taking time with my skincare routine, a nice long, hot bubble bath and cuddled up on the couch with the hubby watching some of our fave shows 💕✨
— Leanne’s Beauty Blog (@MrsHarrison88) September 15, 2020
Honestly, this sounds dreamy.
✨ Listen to your body
— Beth Does Beauty 💜 (@bethdoesbeauty) September 15, 2020
✨ How everyone else copes isn’t how you will and vice versa
✨ Set a reminder on your phone for for midway through work that tells you to unclench your jaw, take a deep breath and wriggle your shoulders a bit
You gave us so many self-care ideas – from pampering yourself with face masks and candles, to listening to music and taking time out from social media. At the end of the day, no one knows what you need better than you do!
Self-Care in Lockdown
Lockdown has been a pretty hard time for all of us and we’ve been looking after ourselves in different ways. So, what does self-care in lockdown look like?
Painting, bullet journalling and making a shocking attempt at upcycling (this one did not last long, I'll leave it to the professionals) 😂
— EllisRuby (@EllisRubyYT) September 15, 2020
I can shut the world out and escape into my beauty room, play with makeup, then reappear when I’m done 😂🙈
— Leanne’s Beauty Blog (@MrsHarrison88) September 15, 2020
This sounds like us! Spending time doing what you love is pretty amazing for your mental health, whether that’s makeup or…
Going to the gym again 😃😃😃
— Ameena Ewok (@MetalMena) September 15, 2020
How Important is Skin Care?
Maybe you’re blessed with naturally glowing skin or maybe (like the rest of us) a little TLC goes a long way! In any case, sticking to a skin care routine isn’t just cosmetic – it can be therapeutic too.
You gave us a lot of great skin care tips – like taking the time to understand what your skin needs.
Mine varies depending on my skin. The most consistent steps I have are using an exfoliating treatment once a week and a moisturising mask twice a week. Sometimes I need more moisture, and sometimes my skin is extra oily!
— Deanna Troi 🖖🏻👩🏻🎤 (@miniabbysciuto) September 15, 2020
Just like skin care, makeup can also be a self-care activity – here’s MUA Katie Jane Hughes talking about makeup as meditation.
Invest in Yourself
We loved chatting to you about self-care. The main thing to remember is that whatever your self-care routine looks like, it’s important to invest time and energy into your wellbeing. So tune out, relax, maybe light a candle, and follow us on Twitter for more Spectrum Talks.