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Makeup Ideas : Advanced Techniques & Unusual Hacks

Makeup Ideas : Advanced Techniques & Unusual Hacks

Even if you’re a seasoned makeup expert, it is still sometimes hard to feel inspired, take your look to the next level and feel like you’re still learning. Well don’t worry, in this guide we’re going to give you some tips and makeup ideas that’ll make you want to grab that color palette, get those makeup brushes out and make yourself look amazing!

Eye Cream Every Time

One thing that every makeup course will teach you, aside from always, and we mean always, deep clean the skin before applying makeup, is to use eye cream and face cream. You might be looking at unusual eye makeup ideas, but some things are basics that need to be done every time. Remember, makeup can accentuate and draw attention to any lines you might have on the face. Creams will soften up the skin before you add makeup and plump it up a bit so that lines are less visible. Don’t forget to moisturize as well, this will keep you looking great on the day but moisturizing is one of the best things you can do for your skin long term. 

Add A Line Of Concealer Under The Brows

This is an old makeup artist trick that you don’t see as often anymore but it’s still a great tip if you want to give your face a really crisp look. Once you’ve finished your eyebrows, take a thin makeup brush, dab it in some concealer and paint a line directly under each eyebrow, keeping the lines as sharp as you can. This will give you really clear definition between the top of the eyelid and the bottom of the eyebrow and make your brows pop more. 

Look Down When You Apply Your Mascara

Before you think about applying mascara, curl your eyelashes. If you curl after applying mascara then you run the risk of breaking and losing them. Professional makeup artists will pretty much always curl eyelashes. Once you’ve done this and you’re ready to apply mascara, our tip is to look down. Looking down is the easiest way to prevent mascara from smudging. This is because if you’re looking down, your eyelid will slightly close making it less likely that your lashes will hit the lid and transfer color. If you have oily eyelids or you know you’re going to be wearing your makeup for a while, it can help to apply concealer or a primer to the lid to hold everything in place. It’s also a good idea to run your brush down the eyelashes a couple of times so that any rogue mascara will be coated over the eyelash rather than sit there in a lump where it’s more likely to smudge. 

Some makeup artists will paint mascara on with an angle brush, rather than a typical mascara brush as this can offer slightly more precise control, but it’s another thing that really is a matter of personal taste. 

Shaving Your Skin Using A Brow Razor 

Now we know this one is a slightly controversial move and some people will tell you not to do this, and if you decide this one isn’t for you then that’s fine. The logic for doing this is that by taking off any hairs on the face, you’ll create a really smooth surface that will help your makeup look amazing. It’s important to patch test this and it’s also a good idea to practice, definitely don’t try it out the morning of or the day before a big occasion. Remember, you need a featherlite touch when doing this. 

Cream Bronzer Vs Powder Bronzer

Whether you use cream bronzer, powder bronzer or both is another area of personal choice. Cream bronzer is another product that we see professionals choosing a lot. For a really smooth cream bronzing application, take a foundation brush, put bronzer on the back of your hand and then coat the brush. Place the brush under the cheekbone making sure to avoid the hairline, then sweep down the face. Make sure you blend the bronzer across the face so you’ve got good, even coverage. Whilst there might be certain areas of the face you're targeting with the bronzer, it’s important to blend across the whole face to keep everything looking natural. 


You’re never done learning when it comes to perfecting your makeup look and that’s a good thing, after all, isn’t that what keeps life exciting? Don’t forget, it’s important to practice your makeup techniques and never try something for the first time on the day of a big event. If you’re doing someone else's makeup, always practice on yourself first and make sure you have their permission and they’re clear about what you're doing and why. Perhaps most important of all, have fun!